Thursday, July 28, 2011

What I’m Watching: White Collar

White Collar: Season 3, Episode 8 “As You Were” (B+)

This episode isn’t as fun as last week’s, but it’s still decently enjoyable thanks to a smart cast and some fun plotting. Jones isn’t the most intriguing of characters, but it’s always fun to delve into the back story of any supporting player, even if Diana proved to be considerably more interesting. What I found most memorable from this episode and from the spotlight on Jones was their conversation about what having it all means, with Jones telling Neal that he’s already living the dream and Neal responding that Jones’ life isn’t so different. I forgot to mention last week that the opening credits have officially switched back to the typical season one and two suite after fans spoke up online, though I found the newer, sleeker credits quite cool. It’s sad to see Sara leave so soon after discovering Neal’s duplicity, though Neal didn’t offer much of a defense for himself by saying, “Come on, Sara, you’ve always known who I am.” Neal asking Mozzie to promise not to speak at his funeral was amusing, and I also liked the shot of Neal with the bow and arrow’s green target pointed at his chest. It’s rare that he looks that scared and unable to control the situation around him. What was most stirring about this episode was Peter calling Neal to offer him relationship help while Neal was inside his house breaking into his safe. Let’s hope Peter doesn’t find out, because the ice is getting very, very thin.

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