Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Closer

The Closer: Season 7, Episode 4 “Under Control” (B+)

One of the strongest things about this show has always been its opening sequences, providing a quick peek into the case that’s going to involve the squad for the length of the episode. This particular preview involved the panicked mother looking frantically for her son juxtaposed with Captain Raydor preparing the documents for her meeting with Brenda. It was cool to have Tau take charge of the case since his son Kevin happened to be a volunteer counselor. We haven’t seen much of Tau’s family, and Kevin’s interest in the case made things considerably more interesting. Mrs. Tau was rather furious when she arrived to find her son watching the interrogation, and I’m happy that Tau eventually gave in and decided to allow his son to work towards getting a car. Kevin made a worthwhile point when he expressed extreme displeasure at the notion of Brenda not telling the father that his son was dead before questioning him, and of course that led to the father bursting in to angrily announce Eric’s death to her mother. I’m impressed that, even after seven seasons, this show continues to be able to handle a multitude of twists in the search for the actual killer without seeming forced. This case clearly affected Dr. Morales and Tau very much, and would likely have done to the same to Brenda had she not been distracted by Raydor’s investigation. Raydor taking her to the crime scene was powerful, and it seems that she’s in much more hot water than she ever expected, which should make a fascinating arc for this season.

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