Sunday, August 21, 2011

What I’m Watching: Rescue Me

Rescue Me: Season 7, Episode 6 “344” (B+)

Chief Feinberg gets a rare opportunity to shine with a long, rambling speech about those people he’ll never forget, and that sets the tone for an episode filled with plenty of big speeches, some from living characters and others from those who have never once been alive in the timeline of the show. Tommy discovering Jimmy’s letter, read in his own voice, was particularly affecting, especially since we haven’t seen him in a while, and Sheila interrupting him and expressing her fury over Tommy invading her privacy was a whopper of a scene. I like that Sheila is giving Colleen a wedding since she has now accepted that she won’t be able to give Damien one, and it’s amusing that Colleen’s concern is that it feels so un-Gavin, so polished and classy. Tommy’s letter to Lou was a bit sillier since Tommy knew he would read it immediately, and things just exploded after that. Franco’s clearly going to have a hard time filling Lou’s shoes (insert donut-related joke about Lou’s weight here, as the characters certainly would), and I’m eager to see how that plays out. Lou’s fake report card from his cooking classes was quite hilarious. Sean telling everyone about his girlfriend earned him predictable mockery, but he seems to have found a great solution by donning a gas mask after they have sex. The final scene with Tommy about to have a drink at the World Trade Center site was intense, with him flashing back to September 11th and Jimmy before giving a homeless man the whole bottle of vodka and driving off. We’re getting close to the end here, and I’m very intrigued to see how all the chips are going to fall.

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