Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pilot Review: Terra Nova

Terra Nova (FOX)
Premiered September 26 at 8pm

I’m a sucker for sci-fi, and so it’s almost guaranteed that I’d love a show like this. I’m ecstatic to report, however, that this show lives up to expectations in its first double-decker episode, setting the bar high for the future. I’ve heard this described as another “Lost,” but I think that’s selling it short. The future presented in the opening quarter of the premiere is clearly decaying, and necessitating a trip back into the past means that there’s no coming home, so they’re trapped there, prepared for whatever they can anticipate but sure to encounter some nasty surprises along the way. Terra Nova is an absolute beauty to behold, and I like how the dinosaurs are mesmerizing creatures during the day and absolutely terrifying monsters at night. Some of the dialogue and the family drama verge on soapiness, but overall, those faults can be overlooked for the greater excitement that the show provides, because when it delivers, it really delivers. It helps that the kids are pretty stupid and go beyond the fence on Josh’s very first day, and that just makes them getting attacked by violent dinosaurs all the more awesome. I like that there’s a splinter group hovering nearby, threatening to expose whatever it is that Commander Taylor is covering up, which may amount to changing history entirely, contradicting what everyone had been told about Terra Nova existing in a parallel dimension. I’m so intrigued to discover just what’s going on, and a whole lot of mystery that doesn’t get solved for a while will be fine with me. This is a great part for Jason O’Mara, whose convict Jim managed to make quite an impression on his first day. Stephen Lang is a fantastic choice to play Taylor, slightly calmer and less bloodthirsty than his “Avatar” character but still determined to do what it takes to get the job done. I like that both of the older children already have love interests, and I’m especially enjoying the adventurous tendencies of Allison Miller’s Skye. There’s a whole jungle of potential to be explored here, and I can’t wait for the next installment.

How will it work as a series? This show has a lot going for it, but it also needs to be very careful to avoid what tends to be the Achilles’ heel of genre shows, and that’s an over-emphasis on character drama while the sci-fi takes a backseat. This could go the route of “Falling Skies” and drag on, but I think the dinosaurs give it a definitive sharp edge.
How long will it last? I hope it’s going to last a while, but I also know that it’s very expensive and a huge gamble for FOX. The premiere numbers weren’t too high thanks to CBS comedies and “Dancing with the Stars,” so we’ll have to see if FOX things it’s worth it to keep this show around and get some return on their investment. Let’s hope they do – I’m already psyched for a second season and I’ve only seen two hours.

Pilot grade: A-

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