Thursday, September 22, 2011

Round Two: Ringer

Ringer: Season 1, Episode 2 “She’s Ruining Everything” (C+)

The second installment of this show picks up only partially where the first one left, relegating the real Siobhan to the final moments and letting Bridget take the spotlight for the rest of the hour. It’s clear that Bridget’s going to have much more trouble than she thinks getting out of town to meet Malcolm, and he may also be in danger of being abducted by Macawi, which would have happened already had a do-gooder student not intervened and unknowingly saved the day. Bridget, however, is already at a point where she seems too paranoid and almost delusional, which isn’t to say that her behavior is not justified, due to the ringing cell phone in the chest and the disappeared body at the end of the episode. The introduction of Jaime Murray as Andrew’s business partner presents the first real intersection of someone both Siobhan and Bridget don’t like, and it’s unlikely that she’ll be an actual threat now that Andrew is starting to fall back in love with Siobhan. Helping Juliet with her drug addiction should give Bridget a sense of purpose, and I highly doubt that one-note Agent Machado, whose only activities seem to be peeing and eating, will get much closer to the truth anytime soon than where he currently stands. Bridget’s biggest problem is actually Siobhan, who was not at all happy to hear that her bank account had been closed and it appears may even be the one responsible for putting out the hit on her duplicitous sister.

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