Monday, September 26, 2011

Round Two: The Secret Circle

The Secret Circle: Season 1, Episode 2 "Bound" (C)

After being more impressed with this show last week than I expected to, installment two proves that the series is rather generic and uninteresting. Much time is wasted with Cassie continually denying the reality of her situation and seeking to be uninvolved in this circle. I'm amused by the fact that Faye is establishing a tradition of having her powers get extremely out of control to the point of nearly killing people, and I wonder how long her track record will persist. There's definitely an unbalanced emphasis on certain members of the circle, and I'm wondering if Melissa and Nick will ever even have any lines. The arrival of Faye's grandfather proved short-lived as Dawn swiftly dealt with him, showing that the adult generation somehow regained their powers and she and Charles will stop at nothing to make sure that their endgame, whatever it may be, is achieved. Despite seeming like a deliciously over-the-top portrayal of one town and its wild members, it's clear now that this show is just as obsessed with the silly language of witchcraft and made-up rules as any of the subpar vampire and other supernatural shows currently on television now. As I noted before, I never expected to continue watching this show, and I do think that two episodes is more than enough to get a sense of what the show as a whole is going to be like. The ratings from week one dipped, which isn't much of a surprise, and it's still pretty much on par with "The Vampire Diaries," so I'd count on it sticking around for a while.

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