Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What I’m Watching: Alphas

Alphas: Season 1, Episode 10 “The Unusual Suspects” (B+)

This somewhat conventional episode proved to be much more interesting than it could have been on other shows, as we got to see each of the team members unable to use their abilities as they tried to determine which one of them might be a traitor. Binghamton definitely does not seem like a friendly place, and it’s good that they’ve managed to escape and won’t have to worry about going back there anytime soon. Nathan being prepared to deflect the powers of those he was interrogating was interesting, as were the diverse reactions of each of his suspects. The team discussing whether putting people in a room actually works was very intriguing, and I like how they engineered an escape plan. Once they were in hiding, I knew something was up after Dr. Rosen started telling Cameron he knew he couldn’t trust him, but I thought that he was simply trying to get them to start fighting to achieve some realization, and therefore I didn’t see him being a shape-shifting impostor coming. The escape action scene was great, but this episode’s best moment was the fight between Bill and Cameron, where they both went head to head with their abilities as Nina and Rachel got upset and Gary started seriously freaking out. Gary’s continued correspondence with Anna and Rachel’s potential relationship with potential new team member Eric are both good threads to leave open for next season, and now we have a mysteriously collapsed Bill to take us into next week’s season finale.

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