Friday, September 2, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Big C

The Big C: Season 2, Episode 10 “How Do You Feel?” (B+)

I’m glad to see Cathy and Lee getting along again since his presence definitely enlivens this show and helps Cathy to relax a bit. Their conversations and time spent drinking together offer some of the best moments this show has, and this episode proved to be no exception. Lee is focused on the good things, and I like that he still has a very long to-do list, even if he won’t be able to get everything on it done. Cathy demonstrates herself to be quite caring and sensitive with her offer to Lee to have the chance to “cop a feel” since that’s one thing he’s never done, and it really was just a friendly offer that he seems to have appreciated very much. Paul’s acquisition of a fancy scale seems to be doing little other than causing him aggravation as it estimates his metabolic age at 67, which may motivate him to try to get in shape. Poppy bringing Adam to her class reunion was a bit peculiar, but it was so interesting to see Adam suddenly become mature as he spewed lies and pretended to be her twenty-one-year-old boyfriend. He did manage to devolve immediately when she called about tampons, and I’m more than a little concerned about her cutting herself and seemingly faking it to manipulate him. Sean is understandably upset about the presence of a crying baby right outside his window, and I’m hopeful that he won’t be gone too long and will find his way home soon enough.

On Thursday, this show was renewed for a third season, which is great news!

1 comment:

  1. I have not seen a single episode of this show. I will try it tomorrow. Hope this show will be worth watching series.

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