Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Big C

The Big C: Season 2, Episode 12 “The Darkest Day” (B+)

Sometimes this show doesn’t feel anything like a comedy, and this episode is the ultimate example of that. Cathy’s frustration with Dr. Sherman continuing to treat her like a number even after he had her over to his house is understandable, and she definitely gave those doctors a whole lot to digest, sticking up for herself and all other patients who feel ignored and pandered to by their physicians. Going to see Lee as he’s literally on his deathbed made for a powerful goodbye, and it’s unfortunate that Paul didn’t seem able to understand why that was important to her. I’m relieved that Sean in okay and was waiting for her upon her return, since that would have been too much for her to bear to lose two people in such a short time span. Paul has no such luck, being handed a random drug test that he’s not at all equipped to pass. There did seem to be something suspicious about Mick, but that didn’t make the revelation that he was an illegal alien any easier to hear, especially considering the cowardly way in which he lied to Andrea and then promptly hung up on her when she called to confront him. Andrea isn’t going to lay down and get hurt, though, calling immediately to turn Mick in to the authorities, and we can only hope that she’ll soon forgive Paul. Much as I like this show, I do think the Poppy plotline hasn’t played out particularly well, and the discovery that her father died two years earlier isn’t much of a shock, or of much interest to the show since she didn’t have an entirely relevant part in it.

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