Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What I’m Watching: Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad: Season 4, Episode 11 “Crawl Space” (A-)

After last week’s astounding episode, this installment follows up on that with another powerful hour. Mike’s livelihood is almost entirely cast aside while the doctors focus all of their attention on Gus, who quickly recovers and tells Jesse that he’s ready to run the lab by himself. Seeing Gus not dressed up was disarming, but he quickly returned to his usual self when he went to visit Hector and to rub his dead friends in his face. Walt purposely causing a car accident was even more shocking than Hank ask him to drive him to his lab, and it seems that he’s really done it, getting officially fired in the middle of the desert by Gus right before he threatens to kill his entire family, even his infant daughter, if he interferes with how he deals with Hank. Skyler was not happy at all about Ted’s nonchalance, and he’s much dumber than it initially seemed, unwilling to take her seriously and then somehow managing to trip himself to death when Saul sent people to intimidate him into sending the check to the IRS. After a tough and wearying hour, the revelation that the money Skyler sent to Ted has made it so that Walt doesn’t have enough to pay the disappearer was an enormous blow which made Walt freak out before he started cackling like a madman, scoring Skyler’s frantic phone call from Marie, making it known that Saul did do what Walt asked and let Hank know that his life is in danger. I can’t even imagine how crazy the final two episodes of the season will be.

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