Monday, September 12, 2011

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice (Summer Finale)

Burn Notice: Season 5, Episode 12 “Dead to Rights” (B+)

I’ll admit that there are so many recurring players on this show that it’s hard to instantly remember just who Larry is and what beef exactly Michael had with him. Yet it’s obvious from the start that he’s out for blood, and this proved to be a more intense episode than usual, as Fiona blasted the hell out of Larry in order to save Michael, and it appeared for a bit that Anson’s wife had been unceremoniously murdered. I suspected slightly earlier on that Anson wasn’t as innocent as he was made out to be, and I wasn’t disappointed. In one sense, we’ve just traded one season-long villain for another, but something seems different about Anson. Maybe it was the flashback to Simon, to Management, and even back to Carla, while he was explaining that he’s been there since the beginning. The involvement of Madeleine and even Michael’s father makes things infinitely more serious, and it’s going to be troubling in a major way that Michael is supposed to keep all this from Agent Pierce, who seems unlikely to ever trust him again thanks to the events of the most recent episodes. As a finale, this was a good episode, and I think the season has been good, even if Michael being framed for Max’s murder proved to be rather inconsequential now that Fiona is the one whose livelihood is being dangled over her head. This show will be back in November, so we’ll see where it’s going to be headed then.

Season grade so far: B+
Season MVP: Jeffrey Donovan

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