Friday, September 9, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Closer

The Closer: Season 7, Episode 9 “Star Turn” (B+)

This is a fitting sensational media episode for the penultimate installment of this portion of the season. There were two notable guest stars, both recently seen on different television shows. Ken Howard, a recurring player on “30 Rock” as of late, was decently stoic and ultimately guilt-free as the victim’s father-in-law, and Rick Gonzalez from “Reaper” was energetic and entertaining as Bruno the sleazy manager. It’s hard to argue that Brenda wasn’t terribly clever in the way that she manipulated the suspects in this case, making up fake forms and even enlisting Buzz’s acting abilities to fool the mother into gleefully confessing in full on camera. I loved the line “Why do you think they call me Buzz?” and I really like how this show utilizes even the most minor of characters. That’s especially true here with Dr. Morales, who explains that he doesn’t usually make house calls and then saying “yuck” before the pepper spray got in everyone’s eyes. Brenda’s settlement offer divided people rather evenly, with Brenda and Pope eager to move forward while Gavin and Raydor weren’t so sure. Gavin did manage to come up with a good reason not to take it – that the language stipulates that Brenda was unconcerned about his well-being, meaning that she could be pointed to as guilty as his murderer. Gavin has managed to insert herself into the show headfirst, and I quite enjoyed his asking to come along if he wasn’t going to be on the clock and excitedly watching Brenda work.

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