Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What I’m Watching: Curb Your Enthusiasm (Season Finale)

Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 8, Episode 10 “Larry vs. Michael J. Fox” (B+)

One of the most distinctive things about this show is that, as its erratic airing schedule might indicative, it’s not concerned with being normative. This season didn’t have any sort of central theme except for to stress that Larry is absolutely committed to running away from things he doesn’t want to do. In that sense, it’s the perfect coda to have him flee to Paris to avoid having to interact with diseased children, and entirely hilarious to see him encounter the same social problems he does everywhere else. I was just surprised to see him having actually learned French, rather than purport that he doesn’t need to know the language. Until that point, this episode didn’t feel all that much like a finale, though it did seem clearer and clearer that Larry’s time in New York was coming to an end. His suspicions about Michael J. Fox using his Parkinson’s diagnosis to get away with anything were right up this show’s alley, and I enjoyed how everyone else revered Fox while Larry seemed like the enemy if he even thought about dishonoring him. Michael Bloomberg telling Larry to leave the city was very funny, and I really do appreciate this show’s gamesmanship, as well as that of its guest stars. Larry’s habit of drawing Hitler mustaches on magazine covers didn’t turn out well for him, and having Susie be the one to get the swastika pillow was especially horrifying. For once, Larry did seem to be the more accepting one, gifting a sewing machine since he knew the kid would really like it. Jeff taking a bullet for Susie was amusing, particularly since she argued that it was just a bike, not a gun. In summary, it’s been a fun, if somewhat directionless, year, and I’d be happy to see a ninth season if one is ordered. In one sense, this wouldn’t be a terribly satisfying finale, and in another, it’s just right.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Larry David

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