Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives (Season Premiere)

Desperate Housewives: Season 8, Episode 1 “Secrets That I Never Want to Know” (B)

I debated tuning in for this premiere, thinking that, especially with a crowded Sunday night lineup, I’d be perfectly content dropping it from my list of weekly programs. But I ultimately decided that, after sticking with this show for seven years, six of which weren’t terrific, it’s worth my while to see it through to the end. There’s already a sense of coming full circle evident in this first installment, as things get much more dramatic than they’ve been and Bree receives a note identical to the one sent to Mary Alice which prompted her suicide in the pilot. The murder of Gaby’s stepfather seems to be taking its toll on all involved, comically only when it comes to Bree and her continually entertaining and superb boyfriend Chuck, played by the great Jonathan Cake. Bree’s excitement at being held up in the car was amusing, and I do hope that Chuck knows more than he’s letting on and is actually putting the pieces together. It’s a relief that, sad as it is, Tom and Lynette have decided to be serious about their divorce and go through with it, since their marriage has gone on long enough and they’d both be better suited elsewhere. Carlos’ guilt may prompt some interesting changes for him, and I’d like to see Susan get back on track sooner rather than later. I’m intrigued by the presence of Charles Mesure as the new, apparently quite attractive neighbor, and his immediate rejection of Renee doubles his worth as an interesting character. I’m hopeful that this season will find more drama and meaning than some of the past years, and I think I’m going to try to tune into the entire season.


  1. Abe, I actually just started watching this show (the first season, I never skip ahead!). I'm four episodes in and about to watch the next few. So far, it's interesting, it's funny, but there's still something about it that isn't quite grabbing me. I think I'm going to see the first season through (since I bought the DVDs for 89 pesos at a Blockbuster, which is almost $7.00 US), but I don't know if I'll go further from there.

  2. No need to - if the first season isn't grabbing you, none of the rest will. It's not a show that gets better, but rather one that started out great and never quite captured that glory again. Finish the first season, but that'll be enough for you.
