Thursday, September 8, 2011

What I’m Watching: Entourage (Penultimate Episode)

Entourage: Season 8, Episode 7 “Second to Last” (B+)

This episode has a fitting title, signaling that we’re almost at the end of the road here. It’s a strong second to last installment, putting four out of five of our main characters on a path towards a bright future while giving the fifth a bit of unexpected news without the corresponding hope. Vince is nothing if not determined, and it seems that his latest romantic efforts may end up paying off. While Alice Eve’s Sophia isn’t necessarily who I might have pictured as Vince’s eternal girlfriend, there isn’t really anyone else who might have fit him better (maybe Mandy, but that seems like so long ago). His generosity knows no bounds, as he pledges $100,000 to appease Phil Yagoda for Johnny and reveals that he didn’t in fact sell his shares as recommended by Turtle, making him a millionaire and able to put his own money into his business. Ari seems genuinely happy with Dana, but it’s likely that he’ll be able to come to some at least amicable arrangement with his wife, and Dana doesn’t seem to mind all that much since she wants what’s best for him. Things are a bit more rocky for Eric, as he ill-advisedly stops in to harass Sloane and Johnny Galecki while accompanied by the vengeful Melinda. Sloane’s pregnancy revelation is a bombshell, but it’s followed by so immediately by a harsh declaration of her desire not to be involved with him that he’s going to have to make a mighty romantic gesture to win her back.

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