Friday, September 23, 2011

What I’m Watching: Modern Family (Season Premiere)

Modern Family: Season 3, Episodes 1 & 2 “Dude Ranch” & “When Good Kids Go Bad” (B)

I’m somewhat torn on these episodes. I’m thrilled to have this show back, and I also have tremendous faith in it to continue being funny and smart for the foreseeable future. That said, it does seem to me that some of these storylines are trying a bit too hard, and things are becoming too obvious and forced at times. Fortunately, however, this cast is well-equipped to handle it and the show is still funny. In terms of what’s too explicit, I think Tim Blake Nelson’s Hank came on too strong for the show’s sake, as did Gloria’s case of ears not popping, and Claire being so obsessed with winning was too prominent, leading to the inevitable, almost groan-inducing revelation that Jay always needs to win. The new Lily is certainly an adjustment, and I’m hopeful that this phase of wanting to kill her soon-to-be-brother will pass. Dylan becoming a ranch hand felt somewhat random, but at least he and Haley didn’t get engaged. With all the iffy aspects out of the way, I’d like to take some time to praise what did work. Phil practicing his manly skills to impress an uncaring Jay and Mitchell being concerned with his clumsiness were funny storylines that rang true, and I was especially happy with Phil’s serious sentiment that he knows what it’s like to have a disapproving father-in-law. Alex’s vacation fling with the excessively Italian-American boy was funny, and I like how disturbed she was by the fact that she was attracted to him. In episode two, Gloria dealing with Manny’s theft of the locket was amusing, as was Haley and Alex’s efforts to trick Luke into moving into the attic, one thing about which Claire turned out to be right.

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