Monday, September 19, 2011

What I’m Watching: Parenthood (Season Premiere)

Parenthood: Season 3, Episode 1 “I Don’t Want to Do This Without You” (B+)

After season one premiered rather late even for midseason last year, it’s now way ahead of the pack, officially serving as the first broadcast television season premiere this fall. As is occasionally done following a summer break, we fast forward considerably to find our characters in considerably progressed states from where we last left off with him. Adam’s situation is perhaps the starkest, as he plays the highly relatable part of an unemployed guy facing the prospect of taking a job with no creative component or growth potential. Julia seems just as desperate to have a baby, to the point that she’s considering offering to buy her coffee girl’s unwanted baby. Sarah turning forty is perhaps the least significant in the grand scheme of things, but Amber’s efforts to break away from the clan are clearly stressing her out, and knight in shining armor Mark may just be able to make everything better, especially considering he’s no longer Amber’s teacher. Amber’s new haircut certainly makes a statement, and the difference in the reactions to her new apartment from her and Sarah were hilarious. Alex’s alcoholic past comes to light for the first real time here as Haddie gets very drunk and Alex ultimately ends up punching someone, revealing to Julia that he has a criminal past. I’m entertained by Crosby’s situation, seemingly stress-free despite the rather assuming advances of waitress Sandy, played by Fiona Gubelmann from “Wilfred.” I’d be intrigued to see Crosby and Adam go into business, since that would be sure to present its share of entertainment and complications.

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