Sunday, September 25, 2011

What I'm Watching: Parks & Recreation (Season Premiere)

Parks & Recreation: Season 4, Episode 1 "I'm Leslie Knope" (B)

There's no reason to panic just yet. The fact that the season premiere of my number one favorite show from last year wasn't entirely superb just means that it might have been a subpar episode, or that it's going to take a bit of time to ease back into things in Pawnee. The penguin marriage season two starter was the weakest of that entire season, so this is hardly cause for concern. This half-hour just wasn't all that funny, with a few scattered laughs and a few over-reaches in terms of plotlines. In the end, however, everything worked out great, and the final five to ten minutes of the episode were stellar. Ron encouraging Leslie to run was touching as always, and Andy becoming Leslie's new assistant makes a lot of sense even though, of course, it actually doesn't make much sense at all. Ann getting all those texts resulted in Joe from Sewage finally being fired and a rather unexpected and hilarious comment about the size of Jerry's penis. I'm not sure where Tom is headed this season, but I'm sure it will be somewhere entertaining. Ron being audited by his first wife should be plenty interesting, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing more of Patricia Clarkson's Tammy One. Nothing compares, however, to Ben's campaign button gift to Leslie. They're a marvelous couple, and I do hope that things work out in a way that won't mess up offically-declared candidate Leslie's political future. I'm glad to have this show back, and I have faith that next week will present a more even, solid, and humorous episode.

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