Sunday, September 11, 2011

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy (Season Premiere)

Sons of Anarchy: Season 4, Episode 1 “Out” (B+)

It’s good to have SAMCRO back and newly released from jail as this show does a fourteen-month jump which doesn’t feel all that much like a jolt given the fact that the show’s been off the air for more than half that time. It’s clear that the time inside, while brushed off after such a long period, was difficult for some, as Jax was attacked and Clay’s hands aren’t doing well. Otto slitting his wrists just to get into the same room with Jax’s attacker underlined the fact that they meant business, as did his rather brutal murder by ear stabbing. Killing all of the Russians will send a strong message, one likely to be received also by Hale and the new boys in town. As recurring players we have Rockmund Dunbar from “Prison Break” and Ray McKinnon from “That Evening Sun” as new sheriff Roosevelt and AUSA Linc Potter. They’re both fascinating characters in different ways, and definitely great opponents for the Sons to have. The notion of a mole worried me, and I’m not sure whether his execution is a good or bad thing for the Sons. Unser’s not doing too well, and I’m curious to see how germane he’ll be to the show now that he’s no longer in a position of law enforcement. Jax’s proposal to Tara is terribly unromantic, but they definitely have something, as evidenced by their exchanged looks at Opie’s nuptials. That joyfully-uttered “Treat you as good as my leather, ride you as much as my Harley” and the use of “What a Wonderful World” during the execution scenes were among the episode’s most memorable moments. This is going to be another intense, great season.

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