Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What I’m Watching: Suits

Suits: Season 1, Episode 11 “Rules of the Game” (B+)

It’s always interesting to see into a somewhat mysterious character’s past, and since we know a whole lot about Mike already that most people don’t know, it’s good to see behind the curtain that hides Harvey’s deeds. Gary Cole is a highly reliable guest star, and he didn’t disappoint as Harvey’s former mentor and district attorney Cameron Dennis. It’s so intriguing to see how Harvey espouses his loyalty to both Jessica and Cameron. I like that Donna ultimately came to Jessica to give her something she could use against Cameron, and then Jessica went to explicitly threaten him so that he wouldn’t sell out Harvey. Harvey’s non-competition with Louis happened to escalate at a very inconvenient time, to the point where Harvey furiously yelling at Louis for losing because he didn’t play fair had little, if anything, to do with Louis. Mike did make a big mistake by using the fax machine, and his efforts to fix it by tricking Louis didn’t work out all that well, though the clients did essentially get what they wanted. Betting Mike was highly amusing, especially to see his reaction to the whole thing. The double date did not go well as Rachel brought Kyle and Jenny wasn’t convinced of anything. Rachel cutting ties with Mike after he tells her the flirting has to stop is definitely going to backfire, and now Mike is barely going to have a friend in the office aside from the rather steely trio of Harvey, Donna, and Louis.

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