Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What I’m Watching: Wilfred (Season Finale)

Wilfred: Season 1, Episode 13 “Identity” (B+)

To think that this finale would have revealed something of true weight about the relationship between Wilfred and Ryan would have been foolhardy, yet this episode still manages to throw a few things for a loop without saying anything too definitive. We weren’t privy to a closing drugged-up interaction between the two, but Wilfred still messed with Ryan at the start by telling him where he was by pretending it was “Lost.” Ryan showed something of himself, using the black file to secure Jenna’s job and telling Wilfred that he has taught him that he needs to do whatever it takes to win Jenna back. Inviting Mr. Patel, Kristen, and Leo over to break up Jenna and Drew was a conniving move, as Wilfred said, and distracting Wilfred with bubbles worked well too. Unfortunately, convincing Drew to make himself unappealing by forcing a decision from Jenna and ruining his relationship with his sister to get Jenna clean urine didn’t matter in the end because she’s pregnant with Drew’s baby and now feels the need to marry him. Wilfred running in front of a car so that Ryan can make the pee switch was perhaps the only noble thing he’s done so far, and it looks like it has terrible consequences. Wilfred doesn’t seem to remember Ryan, and even more troublingly, Ryan goes home to find that his basement doesn’t even exist. I’ve enjoyed this season, and I’m looking forward to seeing what the show has to offer when it returns for a second round sometime next year.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Elijah Wood & Jason Gann

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