Monday, October 31, 2011

Round Two: Boss

Boss: Season 1, Episode 2 “Reflex” (B+)

It’s hard to argue that this show moves at a thrilling pace, but there’s little denying that its contents are ferociously interesting. Most impressively, it’s not even all about Tom, and the show wisely focuses on its entire ensemble to craft an enormously compelling series with quite a dark side. Even if Sam Miller was the only one who seemed to notice, Tom’s flub during the press conference seems to have really gotten under his skin, and his obsessive concern about it isn’t likely to subside anytime soon. Leaking the footage of Ben and the beating was a master move, and seeing the victim of that beating stand up during his introduction was stunning, impressing even Tom. It’s clear that Ben is just the right apprentice for Tom, displaying disgusting behavior as he grabbed Kitty for a quick moment of passion before jumping into the car with his wife and sons. Kitty sure knows what she’s doing, and that press conference was impressively orchestrated. I like the focus on Cullen’s campaign, since he’s just as cutthroat as Tom but hardly as bright, and that look on his face when the video of his suit being adjusted comes on the news says it all. Sam’s hunt for scoop in the Indian case is proving to be tough, but he seems like just about the most determined reporter that ever lived. If Tom is a harsh, soulless individual, his wife seems even worse, coolly talking about and to her daughter, to the point that Tom’s harsh remark downplaying the doctor’s name almost doesn’t feel undeserved.

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