Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Round Two: Homeland

Homeland: Season 1, Episode 2 “Grace” (B+)

This show is even more interesting in its second installment than it is in its first, providing a sure sense that this show has what it takes to be an intense and engaging thriller. I love the aspect of surveillance as it is incorporated into the show, with Carrie waking up to Brody waking up from a nightmare and then later watching him while he’s watching TV. Brody’s aggressive reaction to a reporter encroaching upon his property is a sign that he doesn’t have a handle on his behavior, regardless of whether he’s a double agent or not, though it's interesting to note also that he's now a practicing Muslim. The introduction of Carrie’s asset Lynne Reed brought a very real and tangible sense of danger to the show as she expressed just how scared she was of getting caught. Carrie actually being present in the hotel lobby bathroom was even more surprising and intense, and fortunately no one has gotten hurt just yet. Back at home, David Marciano’s Virgil is turning out to be terrific comic relief, sacrificing his life and livelihood to help out the extremely obsessed Carrie. Saul’s meeting with Michael McKean’s judge made for a great scene since we’ve only mainly seen Saul with Carrie to this point, and it’s impressive to see him exert what he wants without hiding the fact that he’s blackmailing the judge. What was most exciting about this hour was the ending, in which Carrie realized that Brody was doing exactly what Saul said he would and playing the part just right, continuing to confirm her suspicions about him having been turned.

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