Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Take Three: Homeland

Homeland: Season 1, Episode 3 “Clean Skin” (B+)

This episode keeps its plotlines very tight, featuring a few extremely important developments but nothing more. It’s still a productive, gripping hour, just less crowded than the previous two installments have been. Brody’s relationship with his daughter Dana hasn’t been explored previously, and so it’s intriguing to see how she goes from rebellious teenager trying to figure out how best to cause a commotion by saying or doing something controversial to a loving daughter eager to place all her frustrations on her mother and be angelic to her father. Telling her mother that she knows she was sleeping with Mike caught Jessica by surprise, and hopefully that’s one secret that won’t come out anytime soon. Jessica’s not a happy camper, and Brody isn’t helping matters at all by refusing to engage with her in the bedroom in a way that’s remotely satisfying or pleasant for her. It’s disturbing how much uncomfortable intimacy Carrie finds herself watching while on surveillance duty. Saul seems truly betrayed by Carrie, and she could really use all the friends she can get at this point. The loss of Lynne is tragic, and I have to say that I was genuinely surprised and even got chills when she was shot and killed by the gregarious man walking her to the car. The danger definitely felt very real. Now we have a trail to follow about which Carrie and Saul are completely in the dark, featuring the prince’s aid selling the necklace and a young couple buying a house right by an airport.

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