Monday, October 10, 2011

Take Three: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 1, Episode 3 “Mission Creep” (B-)

This show is proving itself to be a fancy procedural, and I suppose it’s important to come to terms with that if I’m going to be able to enjoy the show going forward. Now that Finch no longer has his cover job, he seems considerably freer to devote his time and attention to helping Reese as he had to get in with a group of ex-military men whose current business involved heists. Reese being in the room when the bank heist occurred came as a bit of a surprise, and it’s hard to argue that he’s not well-equipped to handle that situation, saving the security guard’s life by recommending that he not try to be hero, which prompted some surveillance from a determined-as-hell Detective Carter. Reese flashing back to his own return from military service helps to give some context to an otherwise rather mysterious character, and it’s good that he gets humanized because he really doesn’t have all that much human context aside from lying to people and shooting them in the legs. Finch managed to come through in a major way by actually going to the site of the latest heist and putting himself in danger so that he could warn Reese that they were planning to get rid of all the loose ends, and that certainly says something about his commitment to this cause. At the same time, Detective Carter is closer to and further away from catching Reese, and their cat-and-mouse game could prove intriguing as time goes on.

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