Thursday, October 27, 2011

What I’m Watching: Bored to Death

Bored to Death: Season 3, Episode 3 “The Black Clock of Time” (B+)

I found this episode highly amusing, thanks mostly to the dialogue uttered by Jonathan and George. Jonathan’s preparation for Dick Cavett wasn’t terribly commendable, but he ended up doing a great job by providing an enticing story that made Dick take an interest in him. Running into Louis there provided the opportunity for a superb victory on Jonathan’s part, as Louis managed to humiliate himself after being bumped to give Jonathan more time and literally found himself hanging upside down on the set. I loved that people kept getting his book title, also the name of the episode, wrong. George’s discovery that Bernard had in fact proposed to Emily without waiting for his permission was somewhat unfortunate, but it was fun to hear George talk about how Jonathan was like a son, though he didn’t care what happened to him. Emily definitely inherited some of her weirdness from her father, yet she possesses other undesirable traits, such as argumentativeness and a zany perception of the world. Ray’s introduction to the women of the breastfeeding circle couldn’t have gone much worse, and it was absolutely hilarious that the first thing the women found on Google upon looking him up was the cartoon images of him with a giant penis. His obliviousness to Spencer’s absence was more than a little disturbing, and it’s sad to think that his accidental switch may have cost him his weekly time with his son. At least he has two good friends to bail him out in a situation like this.

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