Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What I’m Watching: Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad: Season 4, Episode 12 “End Times” (A-)

How is it possible that we’re at an equally intense point to the one that we were at this time last season? This seems improbable if nothing else, and it’s a surefire sign that this show is just getting better as it goes along. The title of this episode is highly indicative of just how close to the end this show feels right now, with both Saul and Walt preparing for the worst and even explicitly pronouncing impending doom. Gomez’s trip to the lab site was incredibly suspenseful and well-done, and it’s so agonizing to see them come so close yet miss the boat entirely. There are so many people involved with different levels of knowledge that even Skyler perked up and got worried when Hank excitedly announced his theories about where the secret lab might be. It’s a good thing that Jesse is still fighting to make sure Walt is kept alive, though Brock’s poisoning nearly did exactly what Gus wanted and killed Walt himself because he was the only one who wanted Walt not to be killed. The moment immediately after Walt proved his innocence was the most powerful of the episode, as Jesse regressed and called him Mr. White, to which Walt responded with an offer of help. Walt’s execution of his explosive didn’t go as planned because Gus always seems to know everything, and I have no doubt that next week’s finale is going to be just as unbelievable and breathless as last year’s season closer.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say that I think this is the first time you've handed out three straight A- grades to a show.

    If any show deserves it, of course, it's "Breaking Bad". Didn't think this one was quite as brilliant as "Crawl Space", but it was still pretty spectacular.
