Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 8, Episode 2 “Making the Connection” (B-)

I had hoped after last week’s opener that this season might focus more on this show’s compelling drama rather than prefacing every serious revelation or conclusion with some silly, unnecessary comedy that takes up most of the episode. That’s the case with almost every plotline in this episode, and it’s a real shame. Gaby trying to seduce Carlos, complete with impotence and stripper training, seems to have accomplished nothing but getting him to bond with Susan, who also can’t find a way to cope. Susan’s efforts to break the law just to get herself punished were met with over-the-top karma-defying results, and it’s a realization of a metaphor that shouldn’t be literal. Tom and Lynette entering their newest parenting battles is too much of a continuation of the past few years, and the show would be better off to have them find, or at least experiment with, new partners. Renee’s efforts to win over Ben produced a predictable outcome, with the senior center dinner, and that was yet another instance of a truthful bonding bred from slow-moving comedy. I’m much more interested in Ben’s verbalization of his attitude towards defending family when he finds out that Mike is an ex-con, and it’s practically a requirement that new neighbors need to have secrets of a violent and sometimes deadly nature. I love any chance to bring Paul back into the fold, though I’m a bit upset with the news he gave Bree. Chuck was a great character just as he was, and to presume that he’s the one who sent Bree the note is disappointing. Let’s hope that what’s going on is more interesting.

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