Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What I’m Watching: Homeland

Homeland: Season 1, Episode 4 “Semper I” (B+)

This episode marks the first time that I’ve seen these opening credits since the Showtime screeners for the first three installments didn’t include any titles. I have to say they’re rather disjointed and scattered, which isn’t necessarily a bad or inappropriate thing, just somewhat jarring. Like the last three installments, this one starts with Carrie eating breakfast while watching her daily morning show, which in this case means a hallucinating Brody getting out of the shower. The dismantling of all the cameras in Brody’s home was disheartening and felt like a huge blow to the case, and it didn’t even go out with a bang, with Carrie barely protesting Saul’s decision since his mind seemed so clearly made up. Among the couple introduced last week is Omid Abtahi, who starred in Showtime’s previous terrorists-based show, “Sleeper Cell,” as Raqim Faisel, who is warned with a rather accurate sign that he is being followed when his wife hangs an American flag out their window. The party at Brody’s house didn’t go too well, though fortunately he still doesn’t have conclusive evidence about his wife’s infidelity and only shot an animal. We got to see considerably more of Estes in this hour as he first tasked another agent to spy on Carrie and then opened up to her by reminiscing about their relationship. Carrie takes the cake for her unbelievably bold and potentially stupid action at the end of the episode, making direct contact with Brody to establish a way of determining whether or not he’s actually guilty. That’s sure to lead nowhere good, and I can just imagine Saul’s reaction when he finds out.

This morning, this show received a very deserved pickup for season two. I'm very excited!

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