Thursday, October 27, 2011

What I’m Watching: How to Make It in America

How to Make It in America: Season 2, Episode 4 “It’s Not Even Like That” (B+)

I completely neglected to mention last week the guest appearance of Joe Pantoliano as Felix, offering up a wry, highly entertaining performance opposite Cam’s excitable personality. I’m glad to see that he’s sticking around in a recurring role, agreeing to let his place be used for the photo shoot and then starring in it after the main model fell through. Domingo asking Ben if he’d be okay with him asking Rachel out was a good move, but it’s a real shame that Rachel had to go ahead and tell him they’re dating, making Domingo seem like a huge jerk for asking only after the fact. The two of them were having a good moment, and it’s too bad that they can’t just get together already and realize that they’re supposed to be with each other. I fear that Ben is going to reject her quite a bit now, and things won’t be smooth between the two of them. I enjoyed Rachel’s boss pointing out that she has an angry listening face, which now that I think about it, is totally true, and it’s highly amusing that everyone else thought the exact same thing. Rene is doing a good job of collecting money owed to him, but he’s not doing as well with his relationship, as a purchase of fake diamonds got him the boot and will likely require him to do some serious penance in order to get back into his lady’s good graces again. I do hope that David doesn’t end up in jail, since that’s an awfully serious twist for such an underused fringe character.

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