Thursday, October 6, 2011

What I’m Watching: Hung (Season Premiere)

Hung: Season 3, Episode 1 “Don’t Give Up on Detroit or Hung Like a Horse” (B+)

I forgot just how much I missed this show, and the lengthy “previously on” segment reminded me before we got to a genuinely good and, for a change, positive introduction to this season. Happiness Consultants: A Wellness Center for Women sounds like an exciting idea, as long as Tanya sticks to terms like “orgasmic living” instead of constantly repeating the word vulva. It’s understandable that they would have trouble pitching their business to a loan officer, but Tanya, as she tends to do, came right in there swinging and was just brutally honest with Judy the loan officer and Joanie the bank teller. Their differing reactions to Tanya and Ray were amusing, and I liked how Ray commented that this was starting to look like the greatest date of his professional career right before he was entirely ousted from his near-threesome. He may not have been involved, but he did help them to find happiness by bringing out the courage in Judy to make a move on her good friend. Business is booming, which was illustrated by a rather graphic and extensive depiction of the crazy sex Ray is busy having. It took twenty minutes for Lenore to make her first appearance, but what an impression she made, having a grand old time with the waiter and then paying him for it. The episode’s ending is wonderfully optimistic, with Ray taking Tanya for a ride in his new car, signifying that, at least for the moment, they’re on top, and they’re going to milk it for all it’s worth.

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