Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What I’m Watching: Nikita

Nikita: Season 2, Episode 2 “Falling Ash” (B+)

This episode isn’t entirely superb, but honestly it was quite enjoyable and among the most solid episodes this show has offered in its yearlong history. What was most exciting about this episode was that it was a great throwback to the recent short-lived series “Dollhouse,” with sleeper agents programmed to wake up and assassinate people in a way that made the hits look like random acts of violence. Alicia’s story about how she got herself programmed definitely makes me want to be careful about treating sleep issues. I’m definitely up for something that sounds “more X-Files,” and I think this show has a done a good enough job of making its top-notch technology seem relatively realistic and believable. The return of Owen helps to create a formidable three-person team, though Birkhoff is making a strong case for being an official addition to the team. Amanda giving her business partner Alex incentives makes her into a dangerous enemy for Nikita, and I’m pleased to report that Alex’s in-house nemesis is becoming less grating and more three-dimensional as time goes on. Percy’s cage gives him a tremendous opportunity to chew scenery, talking about Russian literary conceptions of pain and firing off lines like “It’s ironic that Oversight should have such little foresight.” Nikita pretending to be a drug addict was among the episode’s least impressive moments, but we’ll forgive it since the rest of the hour was decent. Owen’s episode-ending meeting with Ari Tasarov means there’s more afoot than it initially seemed, but it’s becoming less and less clear whose enemies are whose as everyone seems to be switching sides constantly.

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