Sunday, October 2, 2011

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 3, Episode 3 “Step Right Up” (B+)

This episode provided some great entertainment with a bit of productive mixed in for good measure. Zeek helping his horrified grandson with the ladies presented a somewhat awkward and delayed courting that may result in one of the show’s least featured characters actually getting his very own plotline. Sarah’s relationship with her other child continues to be rocky, though the two are still there for each other when they really need the other most, especially when there are rodents involved. Crosby’s concerns about Dr. Joe, played by D.B. Woodside from “24,” turned out to be valid as the first-named doctor asked Jasmine out, which is sure to cause some friction between the couple. Alex pushing Haddie away is hardly surprising, but what was nice was Adam’s willingness to go see him and offer help, ultimately resulting in an impressive and honest confessional from Adam to the party host’s parents, prompting them to drop the charges. Julia also managed to resolve her own unfortunate situation with Zoe, learning that she wants a blind adoption and that her rejection of Julia has nothing to do with her. The reveal of the gender of Adam and Kristina’s forthcoming child brings back into focus the subject of Max having Asperger’s and the chances of their next child also having the disease. Bringing a new baby into the Braverman is sure to change the dynamic of this show, especially as Adam embarks upon his new project with Crosby, something which a frustrated Kristina asks Crosby not to screw up. There may be bumps along the way, but I have a feeling things are going to turn out just fine.

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