Sunday, October 16, 2011

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 3, Episode 5 “Nora” (B+)

This episode featured some surprisingly productive pairings, creating an all-together inspiring and energized hour. Crosby and Adam’s partnership is peculiar enough to start with, and to have Crosby explain that Adam shouldn’t bring a contract hits just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the conflicts they’re bound to encounter in business together. Adam going to see Mista Ray dressed in preposterous clothing was hilarious, but he did prove that he’s superb at making pitches and seemed to impress Mista Ray despite an iffy start. Crosby and Kristina’s shouting match seemed entirely rectified by her going into labor, and it’s great to have a new member of the family. Julia taking Zoe to the hospital and having her stay at her home was truly done out of the kindness of her heart, and so it’s a nice thing that Zoe decided to give her the baby, bidding her farewell with only a handshake so as not to get too close. Amber sitting with and helping Max was a wonderfully unexpected plotline, and her methods, perhaps a bit unconventional, worked wonders, prompting an apology to Jabar in front of the whole family right after the birth of the new baby. I’m not sure what Seth’s return will bring, but I’m not sure how long Captain Morgan is going to stick around, even if he does seem impossibly supportive of Sarah. It’s likely going to be a generally conflict-free parting of the ways, resulting from Sarah’s over-investment in trying to help Seth get back on track.

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