Monday, October 10, 2011

What I’m Watching: Parks & Recreation

Parks & Recreation: Season 4, Episode 3 “Born & Raised” (B+)

How exciting it is that there’s a book all about Pawnee, and also that this particular book exists in the real world in addition to this show’s own universe. Finding out that there might be a mistake in the book led to a predictably amusing chain of events with everyone researching to find out what the error was, and the fact that it turned out to be something about which Leslie wasn’t even aware was perfect. Tom’s attempted seduction of Joan, with wingman Ben mysteriously in tow, turned rather dreary when she revealed she was getting divorced, but the two men seemed to handle it decently well. Chris’ disappointment at not being able to win over the Eagleton clerk was amusing, but it was good that they had Burt Macklin, FBI, there to help out and use some brute force to steal the document. Ann’s desire to bond with April and Ron, even just to get a bit of conversation out of them, was funny, and it was great that she succeeded yet still prompted Ron to divulge his secret about calling someone by the wrong name when they’re getting too chummy. Jerry was barely in this episode, but the thought of him running around the entire state interviewing everyone Leslie has spoken to in order to figure out what the mistake was is just tragic, and not telling him since he seemed so genuinely happy was a tough call, but I think – and Donna might agree – that she probably made the right decision.

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