Sunday, October 30, 2011

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 1, Episode 6 “The Fix” (B+)

It’s about time that Reese met someone relatively at his own level. Paige Turco’s Zoey knows how to take care of herself, and it’s only because the circumstances are especially dangerous that she’s in over her head. It’s interesting to see that they actually do work together well, though Zoey doesn’t initially treat Reese terribly well. It did seem at the start that she was a villain, buying a gun off the street even though she already owns one, but the reveal of her identity as a fixer cleared that up. Matt Servitto can be usually trusted to be untrustworthy but generally likeable as a corruptible lawman or government official, and here he did of a variation of that role as a highly manipulative, fully evil crisis management man for a pharmaceutical company. Reese stepping in to save the day when he tried to kill Zoey was an important moment, and the episode also had an unusual dramatic backbone in the personal connection Finch exhibited to the case, since he wasn’t able to save Keller’s last victim. He managed to get a decently just revenge by bankrupting Keller and sending him to jail. The mystery of the fuzzy audio recording, only gradually revealed, helped to propel the episode along. With no sign of Fusco this week, we have Detective Carter investigating a forty-year-old murder with some newly missing evidence, helped by the now-deceased retired cop Sully, played by Dan Hedaya. I’m not sure what the connection is to Reese and Finch, but I’m sure someone’s number is going to come up soon.

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