Saturday, October 29, 2011

What I’m Watching: Psych (Halloween Episode #2)

Psych: Season 6, Episode 3 “This Episode Sucks” (B)

This episode doesn’t suck, and it’s actually considerably better than most of the Halloween offerings this show has presented in the past. As I noted in my review of the episode of “Suburgatory” that aired this same evening, officially kicking off the Halloween TV season, I’m not a fan of comedy series trying for a truly frightful plot around this time of year, and especially on this show it’s iffy because the show either throws logic out the window or tries to embrace too much logic. In this case, things did actually make sense, and the mystery was a notch improved, thanks to Lassiter’s tryst with Kristy Swanson’s Marlowe, which started off less than honestly but ultimately blossomed into a connection so deep that Lassiter was willing to wait out her jail term to be with her. In truth, Shawn’s antics were barely present in this episode, making room for Gus to try to steal the spotlight, asking if he could be the one to state their suspicion that it was a vampire and then talking about Sookie as if he were a character on “True Blood.” His constant costume confusion for Count Chockula was highly amusing. I’d like to see a bit more of Juliet and Shawn’s relationship outside of their cases, since it seems that the only time we see them interact is when Juliet is telling Shawn he’s being childish and annoying during a case. Lassiter got a date, so let’s bring on the romance for this show’s best couple!

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