Sunday, October 23, 2011

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy: Season 4, Episode 7 “Fruit for the Crows” (B+)

This season, more than those before it, is headed in a direction where it seems almost impossible that things could actually get any better. That’s most certainly the case with Juice, who, in the final moments of the episode, breathes his last breath as he preemptively hangs himself rather than be forced to betray his club. That’s something that will surely eat Roosevelt up, while Linc won’t be all that broken up by it, which I imagine will cause Roosevelt to have quite the crisis of conscience. The episode got off to a furious start with Alvarez getting shot right outside the lab, and I like that Jax single-handedly chased after the shooter, hell-bent on catching him and getting revenge. Gemma bringing the note straight to Tara led to a feeling of uneasiness within the club as no one had any clue where the threat was coming from, save for an increasingly duplicitous Clay, who was not pleased with Unser’s continued interference. Bobby suspecting Ima made sense, but it’s clear that Jax’s message to her at the end of last week stuck and that she won’t be messing with any members of the club again. Tara overhearing a mention of the cartel isn’t going to help matters at all. The driver’s large family and the unexpected intruder led to a few unfortunate casualties, and Chibs, usually one to keep it together, lost control in a rather frightening way after the driver’s sister got shot in the head by the intruder. It’s not a good thing when the stoic people start to freak out.

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