Sunday, November 20, 2011

What I’m Watching: Covert Affairs

Covert Affairs: Season 2, Episode 13 “A Girl Like You” (B+)

I love that this show just has Oded Fehr on call to come guest-star as Eyal whenever he’s needed. Annie’s initial meeting with him in the bar was a great moment, and I really do like their unique relationship. It was evident most in the fact that it later turned physical, finally, which was actually just a ruse by Annie so that she could handcuff him to the bed, something that made Eyal smile rather than get angry or annoyed. He’s not one to go down easy, of course, managing to take down his attackers before Annie came to his rescue with the frame of the bed to which his hands were still attached. Tying in this week’s plotline with the death of his sister helped add some emotional resonance, and he does seem to be one of the few true allies and friends that Annie has. Auggie’s growing concern for his new romantic interest and her forthcoming relocation to Eritrea is sweet, and it’s nice that Joan was willing to help. One person who definitely doesn’t like Joan is Jai, and it’s actually quite uncomfortable to see the two of them try to embarrass each other while in the presence of other people. Jai’s arrogant attitude and effective insubordination isn’t helping, and neither is Joan’s aggressive need to try to put Jai in his place. As the old saying goes, with friends like these, who needs enemies? I’m sure there’s more bad blood to come between them that will likely have an unfortunate impact on a mission.

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