Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 3, Episode 8 “Here Comes Santa” (B+)

It’s hard to decide which of this episode’s fascinating plotlines to analyze and praise first. Alicia’s connection to the case of a death row inmate about to be executed was the most powerful, as she disagreed strongly with Justin about whether he deserved to die. Mark Margolis, fresh off “Breaking Bad,” helped to give her some perspective as Father Jim, and her newfound concern for her children’s safety demonstrated just how unnerved she was by Ricky, whose final words to his family were harsh and haunting. Dana and Kalinda bonding was a wondrous development, and Cary made a good point when he noted that he knew a lot of people who weren’t anything until they met Kalinda. Cary and Kalinda’s complicated relationship seemed about to get more complicated, but it looks like he’s not up for the challenge of trying to create something with her. Kalinda telling Will to ask her for help was a touching moment, and I hope that the investigation into Will won’t prove too devastating. Eli’s candidate crisis was highly amusing, made funnier by his reaction to the act depicted in the picture. It was fantastic to see Sarah Steele back as Eli’s daughter Marissa, and what an unexpected treat to see her interact with Zack! Jackie sure wasn’t please to see Marissa over and then to answer the door to see Grace’s literally colorful tutor, and I do hope her snooping around doesn’t get Alicia in trouble, though her lack of computer skills may have kept from her from discovering anything incriminating.

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