Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What I’m Watching: Nikita

Nikita: Season 2, Episode 8 “London Calling” (B)

Birkhoff’s decision to buy office space rather than a beachfront property is, in my opinion, a smart one, since it helps to tie this show down a bit and give it a home setting that, as it happens, is more of an office setting. I liked seeing Birkhoff and Nikita officially discuss meetings at their desks, and I think that it could work well in the future, certainly more so than Birkhoff’s house or Nikita’s loft. Michael going to visit his son seemed ill-advised from the start, and Cassandra’s abduction made things worse, especially when she was informed how she was to die. As seems to be the case more often than not, Cassandra was actually an agent of MI-6, and therefore made a daring escape from the car hurled off the cliff following the major gunfight that made Michael very upset. As is almost always the case as well, her partner Nigel didn’t prove too trustworthy, but fortunately they were able to dispose of him rather quickly. Nikita’s decision to leave Michael in London will likely derail things for a bit, though I’d hope it will allow her to focus back on Division and Oversight. Alex’s nightmare about Percy being back in control isn’t so far out of the realm of possibility, and now that she’s read Sean in, things are even more complicated. Sean does seem to genuinely have feelings for Alex, but he’s the kind of son who would do anything to protect his mother, so Nikita is going to be his prime target while Alex continues to stealthily and creatively resist his extremely forward advances.

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