Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: Season 2, Episode 4 “Cherokee Rose” (B+)

This season really has seemed quite tranquil, despite all the missing and shot children of course, mainly due to the peacefulness of having a home base. Sadly, it seems like that might all come to an end soon, since Hershel expressly tells Rick that he wants them to understand that this isn’t a permanent situation and that they’re going to need to move on soon. Fortunately, Rick makes a good case for staying, and hopefully they’ll be able to hide out there a bit longer. The episode’s start with Shane being asked to share Otis’ final moments was a painful reminder that Shane is just looking out for himself, and asking Lori if she actually wants him to stay isn’t helping matters. Training Andrea in how to fire a gun is much smarter, and those two do make a good pair, so spending time together, while risky in terms of potential mutiny, is allowing kindred spirits to get out their anger and aggression together. The star of this episode is indisputably Glenn, who hardly puts up a fight when everyone else wants to lower him into a well to get a zombie out of there, and then nearly falls in but still manages to figure out a way to get him up. The fact that the zombie ultimately broke in half, sending its entrails back into the well, is regrettable. He got lucky with Maggie, though she sure wiped that grin off his face quick by telling him it was a one-time thing. Daryl had a surprisingly tender moment when he shared the Cherokee Rose anecdote with Carol. The fact that Lori is pregnant is not going to go over well, and we can only hope that it’s Rick’s baby.

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