Friday, December 16, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Closer

The Closer: Season 7, Episode 13 “Relative Matters” (B+)

Another holiday-themed episode without even a mention of Captain Raydor gives Brenda an additional reason to potentially leave Major Crimes sometime in the near future. The announcement of Clay’s cancer was built up from the start after the weird behavior of both Clay and Willie Rae at the dinner table, and it wouldn’t be this show without a bit of comic relief, pointed out by Will when he mentioned to Brenda that they seemed to be taking it better than she thought. Flynn reaching out to her because his sister had thyroid cancer was uncharacteristically sweet, and it’s nice to see friends show their true colors when they’re most needed. Planning the trip down to Atlanta in the second week of January was part of a rather somber conversation, and I could definitely see Brenda moving back home to be with her parents soon. In the meantime, I’m enjoying seeing Brenda and Fritz working together and trying to be clever without tipping them off about his FBI affiliation or blowing his case. Writing and then circling and underlining “Stop” on his notepad was especially entertaining, and I’m glad to see him given something concrete to do. I was pleased to see D.B. Sweeney as the rather harried FBI agent who had the misfortune of filming both an assault and a murder, making him the subject of much mockery and sarcasm from the entirety of the Major Crimes squad. The phone call from Provenza to Fritz at the beginning of the episode was also a lot of fun, and a very amusing introduction.

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