Sunday, January 22, 2012

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains (Winter Premiere)

Royal Pains: Season 3, Episode 11 “A Farewell to Barnes” (B+)

This show picked up exactly where it left off, finding Wilmer Valderrama’s diabetic Eric Kabasian collapsed from the incorrect medication prescribed by Divya, with plenty of secrets not yet revealed to various parties, including the fact that Eric was a HankMed patient and that Divya, Hamptons Heritage employee, prescribed the medication to him. The episode ended on an uncertain note, with Divya revealing her complicity to Hank, and I suspect that it’s going to be harder for her to get over than it will be for him, but it’s sure to cause some friction for a while, especially considering how Hank feels about Dr. Van Dyke. Jill’s impending departure may just be happening, as she takes the step to break up with Hank at the divorce party, something that could only happen in the Hamptons. Evan getting the General’s permission to marry Paige was a major thing, even though it slipped out of his fingers almost immediately. I think what the General respects more than anything is Evan actually speaking his mind, though its content usually irritates and infuriates him. I was thrilled to see Tom Cavanagh’s pro golfer return, and based on Hank’s findings, it looks like he might be sticking around for a while, which is great. I was even more excited when I finally recognized Kathleen Rose Perkins, who is my favorite part of Showtime’s “Episodes,” as the frenzied caterer who turned out to have celiac disease. This show occasionally does an excellent job of spotlighting guest performers, and this episode was a strong one for that.

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