Friday, February 24, 2012

Take Three: Smash

Smash: Season 1, Episode 3 “Enter Mr. DiMaggio” (C)

As the plot of this show progresses, it is starting to become less and less compelling and believable. Karen’s post-rejection state is one of extreme optimism, and her weekend trip to Iowa underlines just how unlike most others starting out in show business she is, which in a normal world would cost her many opportunities. Being in the ensemble is a big step down from having the lead, but Karen seems entirely unphased, and I suppose she’s being supported by her initially uncertain but ultimately kind-hearted dad. The rest of the show is shaping up, but it’s not without problems. I find Ellis to be particularly irksome, and while Julia is a lot to handle and never gave him a chance, he’s being rather bratty in the way he’s conducting himself. The revelation that he’s not gay seems awfully contrived, and I don’t see the relationship between him, Tom, and Julia ending well at all. The casting of an actor with whom Julia had a passionate love affair is certainly not a good idea, and I do hope that the writers can come up with better passionate dialogue than “You smell good.” Derek is not being subtle about his affair with Ivy at all, and I have to assume that there’s nothing wrong with his apartment save for a potential guest or two that he wouldn’t want Ivy to meet (or the other way around). Anjelica Huston is entertaining, but I think she’s thrown one too many Manhattans in her ex-husband’s face.

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