Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What I’m Watching: 2 Broke Girls

2 Broke Girls: Season 1, Episode 15 “And the Blind Spot” (B+)

I’m not sure how I feel about Jennifer Coolidge’s Sofi becoming a recurring player on this show since she’s much funnier without her accent, but this episode does provide a great opportunity for Max and Caroline to examine the roles each of them play in their business. Sofi did manage to make Oleg whimper after physically rejecting his advances and double entendres, and her excited reaction to all of Max’s comments, of which there are so many, makes them just a little bit funnier. It makes sense that Max would be more skilled at cleaning given that she’s had to do it much of her life while Caroline has been pampered and had most everything done for her. We haven’t seen this much passionate ranting from Caroline since Santa, and it’s good to see her stand up for herself, purporting to be the balloon, with Max as the rock. It’s clear that they both have their strengths, like knowing how to shut off a toilet valve and how to make someone vomit up pills, respectively, though I’m surprised that Max, for all her big talk, didn’t know how to get that one done. It’s useful to have a job fairy so that they can start actually earning some cash, and they just need to perfect their system a bit before they can truly get off the ground with it. Taking their website photo after a victory moment on the subway was a fitting conclusion to this particular episode’s saga, and a sign of endearing hope for them in the future.

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