Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 8, Episode 17 “Women and Death” (B-)

On the subject of flashbacks, I’m torn. I do know that people these days tend to despise clip shows, where almost no new material is presented and old footage is simply weaved together in a clever way to emphasize some particular theme, but that’s more common with sitcoms and not with hourlong dramas. In this case, we see all new scenes, with Mike appearing as the saving grace and levelheaded one in nearly all of them. It’s a bit like when Beau Bridges’ handyman died and everyone remembered their interactions with him, but not nearly as manipulative since Mike has been a staple on this show since day one. It was a good opportunity to bring back some long-forgotten faces, like Carlos’ mother and Rex, and to see Tom and Lynette when they were actually happy together. Lynette’s new plan to get Tom back is sure to be paved with obstacles, and Jane is going to hate her soon if she doesn’t already. Gaby’s encouragement of Carlos is sweet, and I hope that he does find happiness in being a counselor. The pairing of the body being prepared for burial and Alejandro’s body being dug up was strong, and now the ladies are in for a world of agony. Bree handled herself exceptionally well during the interrogation, but unfortunately it was all just an excuse to get her fingerprints and confirm that she was in fact guilty, so that Chuck’s vindictive friends can build a huge case against her and make her pay for breaking his heart.

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