Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What I’m Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 8, Episode 18 “Any Moment” (B-)

With a mere five hours to go before this show ends forever, it’s clear that things are winding down, as some characters are learning how to live with their situations and others are trying to desperately to alter them. Perhaps the most unexpectedly positive and compelling development was Gaby’s unintentional attainment of a job, resulting from a mass shopping spree following her less than optimistic meeting at an employment agency. The notion of Gaby being a personal shopper makes total sense, and it’s truly the one thing that could keep the Solis family afloat now that Carlos is resigning. Andrew’s return with a female fiancée came out of left field, and her Overeaters Anonymous identity was completely overdone and unnecessary. Much more noteworthy is the fact that Bree, thinking she was in the clear, called Ben to confirm her guilt to the police officers listening in to the call. There’s no way this ends easily for Bree, and I’m sure the newly happy couple will be torn apart when Renee finds out what Ben did for Bree without telling her. MJ’s anger issues and Susan’s passive response were rather disturbing, but fortunately their jam-throwing session seems to have set things right away. Lynette’s latest attempt to get Tom back wasn’t nearly as ill-advised as one might have thought, and she seems to have made some headway, though I’m completely certain that Jane isn’t going to let Tom go without putting up a fight.

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