Friday, March 9, 2012

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 1, Episode 15 “Injured” (B+)

I like how this show was able to craft an entire episode about a minor injury caused by Jess’ overenthusiasm on the football field. The direction for her to go wait by the car clearly wasn’t heeded, and thus we have a hilarious half hour devoted to everyone getting upset by the notion of Nick’s neck growth being a fatal tumor or cancer. It’s not a surprise that Nick doesn’t like going to doctors, and Jess bringing him to her OBGYN Sadie, played by the very entertaining June Diane Raphael, probably didn’t do much to dissuade him from that attitude. I liked watching Nick struggle with what to do when Jess and Sadie were telling him conflicting things about the medication she had just given him. Nick saying that he didn’t want Jess to speak at his funeral because she can’t be real resulted in her telling him that he never does anything, which in turn led to the shenanigans by the water. Everyone waking up the next morning and heading to the doctor’s office together was a fun epilogue to a wild night that included Nick admitting that he’s glad to have Jess around and Schmidt comparing his cat’s death to the death of Cece’s dad when she was 12. It was sweet that his friends chipped in to pay Nick’s bill after he wanted to pay with cash. Winston’s attachment to the failing car was amusing, and it looks like that thing has seen its last days of operation.

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