Sunday, April 15, 2012

What I’m Watching: 30 Rock

30 Rock: Season 6, Episode 17 “Meet the Woggels” (B+)

It’s nice that Elaine Stritch is available to stop by this show on an annual basis to make Jack’s life a living hell for a little bit. Having her show up in New York after heart surgery was a great way to kick-start the episode’s theme of Liz encouraging everyone to talk about their feelings. Colleen harking back to Jack crying and crying that one time in the hospital (his birth) was hilarious, and most of their interactions were extremely funny, as tends to be the case. Tracy’s desire for his son George Foreman not to go to college and instead to attend the School of Hard Knocks, a one-year vocational program which teaches how to knock on doors and sell magazine subscriptions, was so typical of him, and I liked their subsequent montage, in the absence of the stripper with the same name. Tracy’s immediate dismissal of his son despite college not starting for five months was also not too surprising. Jenna’s fervent need to Yoko a band didn’t play out nearly as perfectly as she had planned, mainly because she picked a subtly white supremacist Australian children’s band that sang ridiculous lyrics through the episode’s closing moments, and Paul appeared to have moved on by dressing like someone else. I expected to see Dean Cain during the course of the episode since his name was invoked twice in a rather derogatory manner. I love that Tracy and Jenna solve their problems together, so unproductive independently and oddly successful as a pair.

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